The Benefits of Information Security and Privacy Awareness Training Programs

In today’s world of hackers and identity thieves, there is an underlying need for every government and commercial organization/business to have an awareness training program for both information security and privacy, either separate or combined. Information security and privacy regulatory requirements vary by country, but there is commonality in purpose and benefits.

The reasons for an awareness program are many, and they include regulatory mandates, ethical considerations (particularly in the handling of personal information), and basic best practices to protect enterprises from potential threats and unnecessary risk (e.g., financial, public image). The key to having a good information security and privacy program is to practice good behavior in the work and home environments.

There are three basic awareness program perspectives: regulatory, business and personal. The information that follows identifies how an information security and privacy awareness training program benefits the organization, the individual and employees.

Regulatory Benefits

Information security and privacy laws and regulations are put in place to protect a nation’s citizens and because not protecting data can severely affect the organization. Regulatory requirements benefit the organization in the following ways:

Benefits to Business Organizations

Having an on-demand information security and privacy awareness program (or two) in a business has many benefits, including: