Ammonium sulfate fertilizer application rate

Ammonium sulfate can be good for tomatoes, but we recommend Greenway Biotech's Tomato Fertilizer for optimal results. It's specially formulated for maximum tomato yield.If using ammonium sulfate:Apply 1 tablespoon per plantUse caution - over-application can harm plantsBest for nitrogen-hungry plants like tomatoesOur Tomato Fertilizer offers a balanced nutrient mix (it contains some Ammonium Sulfate as well!), reducing the risk of over-fertilization while boosting your harvest.

The best way to determine if you need more Bone Meal is through soil test but if that's not available or cost effective then I recommend monitoring the leaves of your rose plants for phosphorous deficiency signs and add more Bone Meal if you see any phosphorous deficiency signs.

Is Ammonium Sulfate fertilizer good for blueberries?

Yes, Ammonium Sulfate is excellent for blueberries. Here's why:


Apply carefully: Blueberries are sensitive to over-fertilization.

Follow rates: Excess Nitrogen can harm or kill plants.

What is the application rate for Ammonium Sulfate to dissolve in water for foliar application?

For foliar application of Ammonium Sulfate:

1. Dissolve 1-3 tablespoons per gallon of water
2. Use lower concentration for sensitive plants
3. Apply early morning or late evening to prevent leaf burn
Test on a small area first


Concentration may vary based on plant type and growth stage
Over-application can damage leaves.

Will Ammonium Sulfate fertilizer improve onion bulb growth?

Yes, Ammonium Sulfate can significantly improve onion bulb growth:

Application tips:

How much area does a 25-pound bag of Ammonium Sulfate cover on Bermuda grass?

A 25-pound bag of Ammonium Sulfate typically covers:

Key points:

This is a general guideline for established Bermuda grass. Actual coverage may vary based on soil conditions and grass health. Apply evenly and water thoroughly after application

What does 21-0-0 mean? Does it mean this is very high in nitrogen?

Fertilizers usually have 3 numbers, first one is a percentage of Nitrogen (N), the second one is a percentage of Phosphorous (P) and the third one is Potassium (K).

We also have different kinds of nitrogen such as Ammonia and Nitrate and as it is obvious from the name Ammonium Sulfate contains 21% Ammoniacal Nitrogen, which is readily available nitrogen for plants.

In addition, Greenway Biotech, Inc. Ammonium Sulfate contains 24% Sulfur (S) which is one of the most important secondary nutrients.

Please note that 21% Nitrogen is not the highest nitrogen fertilizer (for example, Urea 46-0-0 contains 46% nitrogen) but it is a relatively high nitrogen fertilizer.

Can Ammonium Sulfate be used as oxygen scavenger?

No, Ammonium Sulfate is not an oxygen scavenger and you need Ammonium Sulfite for that.

What is the application rate of Ammonium Sulfate for lawns?

Apply 5 pounds per 1,000 sq.ft. or 200 pounds per acre (application at the recommended rates will last about 4 to 6 weeks).

Is Ammonium Sulfate safe for pets? Can the pets go on my lawn after I used this fertilizer on my lawn?

Ammonium sulfate can be used safely as a fertilizer for lawns, but precautions should be taken to ensure the safety of pets. Here’s what you need to know:

Safety Considerations for Pets:

1. Immediate Exposure:

2. Post-Application:

3. Ingestion Risks:

Can Ammonium Sulfate be applied with a broadcast spreader and watered in, or is a tank sprayer necessary?

You can apply ammonium sulfate using either a tank sprayer or a broadcast spreader, but the method you choose can depend on the form of ammonium sulfate you are using and your specific needs.

Broadcast Spreader

Tank Sprayer

Is Ammonium Sulfate suitable for Zoysia grass?

Yes, ammonium sulfate is suitable for Zoysia grass. Here’s how it can be beneficial and how to use it effectively:

Benefits for Zoysia Grass

Application Guidelines
Is Ammonium Sulfate suitable for pomegranate trees?

Yes, ammonium sulfate can be suitable for pomegranate trees, but it should be used with care. Here are some key points to consider:

Benefits of Ammonium Sulfate for Pomegranate Trees:

Considerations for Using Ammonium Sulfate:

Application Guidelines:

Can I grow crystals using Ammonium Sulfate?

Yes, you can grow crystals using ammonium sulfate. Ammonium sulfate crystals are relatively easy to grow and can be a fun and educational project.

Is Ammonium Sulfate a good fertilizer for evergreens?

Yes, ammonium sulfate can be a good fertilizer for evergreens, but it should be used with care. Here are some key points to consider:

Benefits of Ammonium Sulfate for Evergreens:

Considerations for Using Ammonium Sulfate:

Application Guidelines:



By specializing in custom blend fertilizers and personal care products, we aim to make gardens and their humans healthier.