Work Back Contract - Service Agreement

R _______.__ which has been paid to (Institution) _______________________.

Subjects / Course to be taken:-

I will ensure that the Company is informed of my results as soon as they are received.

I understand that this training is granted to me on the following conditions:

(a) Should I leave the Company during the course of the study period for any reason, excluding retrenchment or redundancy, the total amount sponsored shall be repayable immediately on termination of service.

(b) Should I not pass, not write a subject or not complete the course, for any reason whatsoever, then the full cost of the subject/(s) or course will be repaid to the Company over a period of no more than twelve months.

(c) I undertake to continue to render my services to the Company for a period of ___________ months from the date of obtaining the relevant pass in the above subjects / course or alternately to repay the total amount sponsored which will be calculated on a pro-rata basis and will be payable immediately on termination of service.

I hereby irrevocably authorise and empower the Company in the event of (a) (b) or (c) above to deduct this sum from any amount that may be due to me in respect of salary, leave pay, bonuses or any other monies due to me.

Dated at ____________________ this ________ day of _________________ 20 ___.

Witness Witness