2: Electricity and Magnetism

The Maxwell's equations

Force and potential

The force and the electric field between two point charges are given by: \[\vec_=\frac<4\pi\varepsilon_0\varepsilon_<\rm r>r^2>\vec_ ~;~~~\vec=\frac>\] The Lorentz force is the force which is felt by a charged particle that moves through a magnetic field. The origin of this force is a relativistic transformation of the Coulomb force: \(\vec_=Q(\vec\times\vec\,)=l(\vec\times\vec\,)\). The magnetic field at point \(P\) which results from an electric current is given by the law of Biot-Savart , also known as the law of Laplace. Here, \(d\vec\parallel\vec\) and \(\vec\) points from \(d\vec\) to \(P\): \[d\vec_P=\frac<\mu_0I><4\pi r^2>d\vec\times\vec_\] If the current is time-dependent one has to take retardation into account: the substitution \(I(t)\rightarrow I(t-r/c)\) has to be applied. The potentials are given by: \(\displaystyle V_=-\int\limits_1^2\vec\cdot d\vec\) and \(\vec= \frac \vec\times\vec\). Here, the freedom remains to apply a gauge transformation . The fields can be derived from the potentials as follows: \[\vec=-\nabla V-\frac<\partial \vec><\partial t>~,~~~\vec=\nabla\times\vec\] Further the relation: \(c^2\vec=\vec\times\vec\) holds.

Gauge transformations

  1. Lorentz-gauge: \(\displaystyle\nabla\cdot\vec+\frac\frac<\partial V><\partial t>=0\). This separates the differential equations for \(\vec\) and \(V\): \(\displaystyle\Box V=-\frac\), \(\Box\vec=-\mu_0\vec\).
  2. Coulomb gauge: \(\nabla\cdot\vec=0\). If \(\rho=0\) and \(\vec=0\), then \(V=0\) and \(\Box\vec=0\).

Energy of the electromagnetic field

The energy density of the electromagnetic field is:

The energy density can be expressed from the potentials and currents as follows:

Electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic waves in vacuum

The wave equation \(\Box\Psi(\vec,t)=-f(\vec,t)\) has the general solution, with \(c=(\varepsilon_0\mu_0)^\): \

a derivation via multipole expansion will show that for the radiated energy, if \(d,\lambda\gg r\):

The energy density of the electromagnetic wave of a vibrating dipole at a large distance is:

The radiated energy can be derived from the Poynting vector \(\vec\): \(\vec=\vec\times\vec=cW\vec_v\). The irradiance is the time-averaged of the Poynting vector: \(I=\langle|\vec\,|\rangle_t\). The radiation pressure \(p_\) is given by \(p_=(1+R)|\vec\,|/c\), where \(R\) is the coefficient of reflection.

Electromagnetic waves in matter

The wave equations in matter, with \(c_=(\varepsilon\mu)^\) the lightspeed in matter, are:

which after substitution of monochromatic plane waves: \(\vec=E\exp(i(\vec\cdot\vec-\omega t))\) and \(\vec=B\exp(i(\vec\cdot\vec-\omega t))\) yields the dispersion relation:

The first term arises from the displacement current, the second from the conductance current. If \(k\) is written in the form \(k:=k'+ik''\) it follows that:

This results in a damped wave: \(\vec=E\exp(-k''\vec\cdot\vec\,)\exp(i(k'\vec\cdot\vec-\omega t))\). If the material is a good conductor, the wave vanishes after approximately one wavelength, \(\displaystyle k=(1+i)\sqrt<\frac<\mu\omega>>\).


Because \(\displaystyle \frac<|\vec-\vec\,'|>=\frac\sum_0^\infty\left(\frac\right)^lP_l(\cos\theta)\) the potential can be written as: \(\displaystyle V=\frac<4\pi\varepsilon>\sum_n\frac\)

For the lowest-order terms this results in:

Electric currents

The continuity equation for charge is: \(\displaystyle\frac<\partial \rho><\partial t>+\nabla\cdot\vec=0\). The electric current is given by:

For most conductors: \(\vec=\vec/\rho\) holds, where \(\rho\) is the resistivity .

If the flux enclosed by a conductor changes this results in an induced voltage

If the current flowing through a conductor changes, this results in a self-inductance which opposes the original change: \(\displaystyle V_=-L\frac\). If a conductor encloses a flux then \(\Phi\): \(\Phi=LI\).

The magnetic induction within a coil is approximated by:

where \(l\) is the length, \(R\) the radius and \(N\) the number of coils. The energy contained within a coil is given by \(W=\frac LI^2\) and \(L=\mu N^2A/l\).

The capacitance is defined by:\(C=Q/V\). For a capacitor :

where \(d\) is the distance between the plates and \(A\) the surface of one plate. The electric field strength between the plates is \(E=\sigma/\varepsilon_0=Q/\varepsilon_0A\) where \(\sigma\) is the surface charge. The accumulated energy is given by \(W=\fracCV^2\). The current through a capacitor is given by \(\displaystyle I=- C\frac\).

For most PTC resistors \(R=R_0(1+\alpha T)\) holds approximately, where \(R_0=\rho l/A\). For a NTC: \(R(T)=C\exp(-B/T)\) where \(B\) and \(C\) depend only on the material.

If a current flows through a junction between wires of two different materials \(x\) and \(y\), the contact area will heat up or cool down, depending on the direction of the current: the Peltier effect . The generated or removed heat is given by: \(W=\Pi_It\). This effect can be amplified with semiconductors.

The thermal voltage between two metals is given by: \(V=\gamma(T-T_0)\). For a CuConstantan connection: \(\gamma\approx0.2-0.7\) mV/K.

In an electrical circuit with only stationary currents, Kirchhoff’s equations apply: for a closed loop : \(\sum I_n=0\), \(\sum V_n=\sum I_nR_n=0\).

Depolarizing field

If a dielectric material is placed in an electric or magnetic field, the field strength within and outside the material will change because the material will be polarized or magnetized. If the medium has an ellipsoidal shape and one of the principal axes is parallel with the external field \(\vec_0\) or \(\vec_0\) then the depolarizing fields are homogeneous.

\(\cal N\) is a constant depending only on the shape of the object placed in the field, with \(0\leq\leq1\). For a few limiting cases of ellipsoids the following holds: a thin plane: \(=1\), a long, thin bar: \(=0\), and a sphere: \(=\frac\).

Mixtures of materials

The average electric displacement in a material which is inhomogenious on a mesoscopic scale is given by: \(\left\langle D \right\rangle=\left\langle \varepsilon E \right\rangle=\varepsilon^*\left\langle E \right\rangle\) where \(\displaystyle \varepsilon^*=\varepsilon_1\left(1-\frac<\phi_2(1-x)><\Phi(\varepsilon^*/\varepsilon_2)>\right)^\) and \(x=\varepsilon_1/\varepsilon_2\). For a sphere: \(\Phi=\frac+\fracx\). Further:

\[\left(\sum_i \frac<\phi_i>\right)^\leq\varepsilon^*\leq\sum_i \phi_i\varepsilon_i\]

This page titled 2: Electricity and Magnetism is shared under a CC BY license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Johan Wevers.

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  1. Article type Section or Page Author Johan Wevers Embed Hypothes.is? yes License CC BY Show TOC yes
  2. Tags
    1. Biot-Savart, law of
    2. Capacitance
    3. Conductance current
    4. Continuity equation
    5. Coulomb force
    6. Current
    7. Depolarizing field
    8. Dielectric material
    9. dispersion relation
    10. Displacement current
    11. Electric dipole
    12. Electric displacement
    13. Electric displacemnt
    14. Electric field
    15. Electric field strength
    16. Electric force
    17. Electromagnetic waves
    18. Electromagnetic waves in matter
    19. energy density of the electromagnetic field
    20. Gauge transform
    21. Hamiltonian, canonical transformation
    22. Induced voltage
    23. irradiance
    24. Kirchoff's equations
    25. Laplace, law of
    26. Lightspeed
    27. Lorentz force
    28. Magnetic dipole
    29. Magnetic field strength
    30. Magnetic field.
    31. Magnetic flux density
    32. Magnetic induction
    33. Magnetization
    34. Maxwell's equations
    35. Monochromatic plane waves
    36. Multipoles
    37. Peltier effect
    38. polarization
    39. Poynting vector
    40. Quadrupole
    41. radiation pressure
    42. Resistor
    43. Thermoionic voltage