The Accessibility Exchange

Connecting the disability and Deaf communities and their supporters with
organizations and businesses to work on accessibility projects together.

What is the Accessibility Exchange?

Connects the disability and Deaf communities with regulated organizations

Connects the disability and Deaf communities and supporters with organizations that are “regulated” or supervised and monitored by the federal government, so that together they can work on accessibility projects, as required by the Accessible Canada Act.

Provides Guidance and Resources

Provides valuable resources and guides for organizations and people with disabilities and Deaf people and their supporters on how to engage in accessible and inclusive ways.

How does this work?

This site is for three kinds of users. Select an option below to learn more.

For Individuals

This is for individuals with disabilities or Deaf people and their supporters, and those wishing to offer accessibility consulting and community connection services.

For Federally Regulated Organizations

Such as, federal departments, agencies, and crown corporations, other public sector bodies and businesses.

For Community Organizations

This includes disability and Deaf representative organizations, support organizations, and other civil society organizations (not only disability focused).

What do we mean when we say “disability”?

Disability is not in the person. It results when a person’s long-term physical, mental health, developmental, or sensory characteristics differ from society’s norms. When buildings, services, and workplaces are designed for the norm, they often present barriers to a person’s full and equal participation in society. That’s what we mean by disability.

Developed in partnership

This website was made in partnership with members and organizations from the disability and Deaf communities, supporters, and members from Federally Regulated Organizations.