Navigating the Application

You are able to complete the application over multiple sessions using your username and password. The information you provide on the application form is reviewed by the local chapter once you submit and pay for your application and complete and pass the background screening. You are able to save the application, make updates, and submit once you've completed all the sections fully. Click the link for an Application Navigation Video to see the application completion process.

Click Start Application to begin a new application. To save your work, click the Save button at the bottom of each page. To advance to the next page, click Save and Next. Once you have completed all sections, click Save and Finalize.

Click My Applications from the left menu to access an application previously saved.

Completing the Application

The application contains multiple sections that may vary based on the specific membership category sought (Alumnae or Collegiate). Each section of the application must be completed by the chapter-specific deadline provided at the RUSH activity. Ensure you review the eligibility requirements. The application sections are:

  1. Application Information
  2. Education Information
  3. Affiliations
  4. Proof of Residency (Alumnae only)
  5. Letters of Recommendations
  6. Statement of Interest
  7. Acknowledgments

Ensure you review eligibility requirements for the specific membership category sought (Alumnae or Collegiate); in addition to referencing the organization's policies, guidelines and other important documents by clicking the hyperlinks provided.

Letters of Recommendation

  1. Instructions for Required Content Member of DST, Incorporated Letter
  2. Instructions for Required Content Public Service Letter
  3. Instructions for Required Content University Official Letter

About Us .

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. is a private, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world.