Application of a microcontroller - 10 most common


October 19, 2021 David Lancaster 0

Our world is filled with electronic products that entertain us, make our lives easier, allow us to communicate with each other, help us prevent diseases, and much more.

More often than not, at the heart of all these electronic products is a Microcontroller.

This awesome device is the brain that controls all actions and takes care of computations within an electronic device.

Because of its endless capabilities, there are many uses of microcontroller and it is not confined to one singular application

A microcontroller can be found in applications such as consumer electronics, medical devices, the automotive industry, aviation, marine, and much much more.

This article shall take an in-depth look at the microcontroller and its many applications.

Deeper look at the microcontroller

To better understand why a microcontroller is used for a specific application, it will help to take a closer look at its history, how it is constructed, the different types available, etc.

What it is a microcontroller

The world is filled with electronic devices that have a specific purpose whether it be playing music, making coffee, toasting bread, etc.

I would be surprised if you didn’t find a Microcontroller at the center of most of these systems.

A microcontroller is an Integrated Circuit (IC), which has all the capabilities of a computer. It consists of a central processing unit (CPU), onboard memory and inputs/outputs all of which are programmable.

A microcontroller has the task of ‘controlling’ operations (much like a traffic cop controls traffic) hence why the second half of its name is ‘controller’. The ‘micro’ is aptly there because of its size.

It is used by professional engineers, students, and hobbyists for many different applications (which shall be discussed in more detail later).

History of the microcontroller

The field of electronics has been around for some time. But, the microcontroller wasn’t the star of the show from the very beginning.

It came to the forefront of electronics a bit later.

Before the arrival of the microcontroller, Logic Gates were used to perform Boolean logic functions (which is the basis of digital electronics).

These logic gates were built using Transistors. A large assembly of logic gates would form many digital circuits (which meant many transistors).

Later, with the invention of Integrated Circuits, many transistors could be fitted onto a single chip (this meant a reduction in size of digital circuits).

By the early 1970’s these integrated circuit chips could hold as many as 10,000 transistors. This crucial advancement in digital electronics is what made the invention of the microcontroller possible.

The first microcontroller

We can thank one Gary Boone, who worked for Texas Instruments for giving the world the first ever microcontroller in the early 1970s.

He designed and created an integrated chip that had over 5000 transistors, 3000 bits of program memory, and 128 bits of access memory.

This meant it but could be programmed to have a variety of functions.

This first microcontroller was called the TMS1802NC.

Over the years, the microcontroller has had further advancement with the help from many different companies.

In the early 1990’s Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM), meant that the microcontroller wasn’t limited to one function for its lifetime after it had been programmed.

Now, you could program the microcontroller, erase the current program, and reprogram it multiple times.

Application of a microcontroller

At the start I briefly mentioned some of the applications of the microcontroller. But, those are just a few of the many applications.

Rather than name every single device that uses a microcontroller, I will name the main fields under which devices are most likely to use them.

Note, this isn’t an exhaustive list by any means. These are just the most common.

Let’s take a look!

Application #1 of a microcontroller: Consumer Electronics

First on the list is Consumer Electronics.

Consumer electronics is a term that defines electronic equipment that is used on a daily basis (mostly in one’s own home).

This is a very broad term that encompasses many other categories such as Entertainment, Communication, Recreation, Kitchen Appliances, etc.

Consumer electronics are often referred to as ‘black goods’ due to their electronics being housed in a dark casing.

Application #2 of a microcontroller: Medical

The Medical field has benefited immensely from using microcontrollers.

As you can imagine, medical practices before the advent of the microcontroller would have been quite primitive.

Also, we have all heard the phrase ‘prevention is better than cure’. In the medical applications this means that if you can find a problem at the early stages, you have more chances of eliminating it.

While us humans have amazing abilities, and intelligence, there is a limit to what we can detect within a human body.

Microcontrollers, along with other technology enable us to be able to detect a disease with a human body before it is too late.

Microcontrollers can also now be found in the surgery room. Robots are used to help surgeons with many different types of surgeries.

Application #3 of a microcontroller: Entertainment

In the age before electronics and microcontrollers you might have been limited to a few activities to help pass your time. Things like reading a book, going for a walk, playing the guitar, playing hide and seek, etc (Not that any of these are bad).

Nowadays, we are all spoiled with a plethora of devices to entertain ourselves.

Even before the microcontroller, there were electronic devices which could help entertain and pass your time.

But, these devices grew not only in quantity, but complexity and quality as well with the help of the microcontroller.

Your old transistor radio might have been limited to a couple of stations, with subpar sound quality. But, now your digital radio will have the capability to access all stations on the FM and AM bandwidth with superior sound quality, while being able to play CDs as well.

Application #4 of a microcontroller: Instrumentation and process control

Instrumentation and Process control is a field of Engineering that deals with control theory. It is used to manufacture equipment to help design, monitor, and control many different processes across many different industries.

These processes ensure that the overall system is productive, efficient, and repeatable.

The overall system consists of software and hardware which includes, sensors, actuators (mechanical and electrical), and of course a microcontroller.

For example, in a chemical plant,having a system that monitors the temperature and ensures it stays within defined limits is crucial to avoiding potential disasters such as explosions.

Application #5 of a microcontroller: Communication

Communication is a necessity in everyday life. They say communication is one of the pillars to a happy marriage (so it must be very important!).

We use communication for many different purposes; to share information, make a statement, ask questions, express wants/needs/desires, keep in touch with loved ones, express emotions and much more.

But, most of the time you might not be in the same room with the person you might want to communicate with.

They might be in another household, city, or country.

Before you might have had to write them a letter, post it and wait a couple weeks for a reply.

Lucky for you and me, nowadays, microcontrollers are used in many of these electronic communication devices to allow us to communicate with loved ones, colleagues, strangers, instantaneously, even if they are in another country (they might as well be in the same room as us!).